Photos from previous events
She Captains and Pirate Queens:
The fearsome women who ruled the seas of olde
Embark on this epic journey through time, and learn about the badass history of female pirates. Yes, women were pirates too, and they left their marks on history!
Authors Panel at Virtual Victorian Days
On September 12, 2020 I joined steampunk authors
Jessica Lucci, Elizabeth Chatsworth, and Daniel Arthur Smith in a panel on what it's like to write in the steampunk genre. The event was hosted by Belvidere Heritage in New Jersey and the Victorian Days event was hosted by The Roguish Rabbit. The panel was moderated by Joseph Kennedy.
Captain Leila Arryn
The illustrations for Building Steam were drawn by the talented Peter Pasquerello. He crafted this video to highlight his creative process involved in drawing Captain Arryn. And yes, he rocked out to Iron Maiden the whole time.
And now for something completely awesome:
A dramatic reading of Building Steam AT Wardenclyffe! (Nikola Tesla's lab)